For the most up-to-date information on the RD exam, including information on the 2022 exam update, and help with passing the exam, head over to my website
I have begun studying for the RD exam! A year ago I never thought I would get here. By my senior year of undergrad, I had solidified and mastered the study techniques that work for me, and I am happy to say they were successfully ingrained into my brain, because they have come back like clockwork to prep for "the biggest exam of my life". My internship has a number of review materials available, including the Jean Inman and CDR practice exam. We also have a practice exam on the hospital library computers and QuizStar modules. Unfortunately they do not have any of these materials in the updated versions for the 2012 exam. I'll address what I've decided to do later on in the post.
Registered dietitian nutritionists (RDN)* are qualified food and nutrition professionals, with the training to translate nutritional science into not only practical habits and changes for you but to provide quality nutrition care in the clinical setting. Some states require a nutritionist to be licensed, and licensure requires certain credentials – typically RDN. Why would states require that? Because RDNs go through a rigorous, standardized process to receive their credential:
a blog about health, wellness, nutrition, and fitness from an epidemiologist / dietitian with personal trainer experience
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