Our health and wellness may wax and wane through the cycles of life, but don't let a focus on yourself rest on the back burner for too long.
Today's post highlights 3 signs that you may want to prioritize checking up on your health and wellness and ensure you're taking proper care of yourself. While these signs may be inconspicuous and turn out to be "nothing", they may be indicators of something else going on OR they may be problems that are best addressed earlier than later, before they develop into something more serious.
If you feel like the best words to describe your life lately is IN A RUSH then this post is for you. You're busy with meetings, paperwork, taxes, appointments - and all of those little things that seem to pop up every week.
When life throws too much at you, how do you adjust so you can handle it? Unfortunately, we often sacrifice our health and wellness to meet that deadline or answer that last email, whether it's skipping a morning workout to have more time to study or eating lunch at your desk while you work on a presentation.
Photo by Vitalii Pavlyshynets on Unsplash
With many of us working from home due to COVID-19 restrictions, we're spending even more time in front of our screens. Gone are the natural breaks in the day like a commute, chatting with colleagues in the breakroom, and going to in-person meetings. If headaches were a rare occurrence for you before COVID-19 but you've noticed them becoming more common, you may want to try these tips to see if they help.
Physical and mental health are both important, and inextricably intertwined. In this blog post, I encourage you to take stock of old injuries, current habits, and and to try out a lifestyle of moderation rather than always going ALL IN.
Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash
Routines can provide us with stability that helps us organize not only our day, but our minds. But if your day-to-day life is bordering on hum-drum and you find yourself daydreaming about something different, you may be in a rut.
You don't need to make any drastic life decisions to get out of a rut, though that's the solution we often see at the movies or on television. Today I'll share 3 ways to get out of a rut. Nearly 1 in 8 adults in the United States care for an aging parent and support their own children. These "sandwich generation" caregivers are also present in other Western countries, with 1 in 25 adults in the United Kingdom juggling childcare and taking care of an older or sick parent.
Caregiver burnout is a very real hazard that contrasts the rewarding moments of taking care of loved ones. It's a state of extreme exhaustion - emotional, mental, and physical. Having enough time in the day is one of the many challenges of caregiving, especially if you're employed. Here's 3 tips to balance the financial responsibility of caregiving without contributing to even more stress. In the last 5 years, workplace wellness has become the norm, as insurance companies and employers finally agree with wellness experts that healthier workers save money - through increased productivity, reduced sick days, and reduced medical bills. Whether you work for a large company with a formal workplace wellness program, or at an itty bitty start-up or mom-and-pop shop, you can use these ideas to spark discussion at your own workplace. Find out if your company has a Wellness Committee or similar group, or create your own! customizeOne of the most important aspects of adopting change for a healthier workplace is buy-in from everyone. Changes may not be do-able at a company-wide level, or department-wide level. Customizing changes for teams, divisions, and other units will enhance adoption because it will meet the needs of those employees. More examples on that later.
Working from home seems like a pretty great deal. The flexibility and and comfort is tempting, not to mention avoiding the commute.
But if you've worked from home before, you know it has it's challenges. Without interruptions, you may find yourself working more. Maybe you don't stop for lunch, or maybe you snack all day. The comfort of working from home comes at the loss of structure the office provides. Some of us may be basking in the middle of the holiday season, but others may be thinking ahead to the new year.
As we push forward and set goals for the new year, we may reflect and take stock of the past year. If this year was a tough one, spend some time dissecting the root of those troubles. Making improvements in those areas are a great way to set meaningful new year resolutions. If you can't drill down to specifics, or if this year went pretty well for you, don't give up on us just yet. In today's post, I have 3 things you may consider in your new year resolutions, and you may not have thought of them before. Hey there! I hope you had a very happy holiday season. With the New Year upon us, many will be making New Years Resolutions about their health - whether joining a gym, starting a new diet plan like Paleo, raw, or Whole30, or starting an at-home fitness regimen like P90x.
Some people poo-poo on New Years Resolutions, but some are the jumpstart you need to launch yourself into a healthier you. This post isn't about New Years Resolutions or goal setting - it's about my experience with Diet-to-Go. If you're thinking up some goals come January 1st, I encourage you to read up on my previous post regarding setting SMART goals and the stages of change. Did you open this post thinking it was going to be another bouncy six-pack twenty-something sharing her early morning 10-minute workout? So sorry if I disappointed you. Perhaps I should have titled it "how to stay sane while trying to stay fit in grad school". The school gym isn't very far from me - but it's not very close either. I've heard there's showers in the basement of the school - maybe I could go for a run in between classes (in the southern heat) like the girl I see everyday at lunch. PS I'm pretty sure shes running to and from her Athleta (Lulu Lemon, Fabletics) photo shoot. So what am I going to talk to you about then? I'd like to share the conversations (arguments?) that go through my head at least weekly, if not daily as they pertain to academics, wellness, social life, and literally just maintaining function.
a blog about health, wellness, nutrition, and fitness from an epidemiologist / dietitian with personal trainer experience
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